Sunday, 4 April 2010

Virgin Media Shorts

I'm putting the final touches to 'The Office Orphan', current running time is just over 5 minutes. See new 'Office Orphan' page for more details. I haven't been as ruthless in my edit as I normally am, I want to keep a full, pure version for festivals and then hack the s**t out of it for any super short competitions that I want to enter.

Was speaking to Karen (producer) about the film the other day and she asked me if I'd made any compromises on this one? I couldn't think of any. I really think that we've made the best film we could without having to make any sacrifices due to our crazy, no budget working methods. I very happy!

And speaking of super short competitions. Virgin Media Shorts launches on 12th April. Got to get a version down to 2 mins 20 seconds. All I can say is, if I can cut 'Fate and Mr McKinley' down to 10 seconds then I'm sure I can get this down to 2 mins and 20. Bring it!

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